Balloon Block Editor
DemoBasic Example
The code below demonstrates how to integrate CKEditor 5 Balloon editor in Rails. First, we load required assets using ckeditor5_assets
helper with balloon_block
preset. Then we create an editor instance using ckeditor5_editor
helper with some initial content.
<% content_for :head do %>
<%= ckeditor5_assets preset: :balloon_block %>
<% end %>
<%= ckeditor5_editor do %>
Click anywhere in this text to start editing...
<% end %>
The preset configuration in the initializer (make sure to include theBlockToolbar
CKEditor5::Rails.configure do
presets.define :balloon_block, inherit: false do
version '43.3.0'
editable_height 100
plugins :Essentials, :Paragraph, :Bold, :Italic, :Underline,
:Strikethrough, :Subscript, :Superscript, :RemoveFormat,
:List, :Link, :Font, :FontFamily, :FontSize, :FontColor,
:FontBackgroundColor, :SourceEditing, :BlockToolbar # BlockToolbar is required!
block_toolbar :sourceEditing, :|, :bold, :italic, :underline,
:strikethrough, :subscript, :superscript, :removeFormat,
:|, :bulletedList, :numberedList, :fontFamily,
:fontSize, :|, :link, :anchor, :|,
:fontColor, :fontBackgroundColor